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Starting new ministries and outreach ventures is one of the most effective ways to bring the presence of Jesus to new people.
We’ve worked hand-in-hand with missional innovators to start new ministries
Stennis Shotts
Hill Country Fellowship
We are motivated to grow the kingdom of God and it requires a clear vision, mission and set of values. I know I speak for our whole team when I say working with FiveTwo has been a real pleasure. We have made great progress over the past several months and are looking forward to the next steps.
Donna Shaw
Weakday Ministries
FiveTwo helped me confirm my calling and brought more clarity to the next steps. We feel prepared to scale our ministry and reach more people through the work we’ve done with FiveTwo.
Dan Schmidtke
Bethlehem Lutheran Church Basketball
It feels like I am getting reassurance from GOD that I am doing the right things. FiveTwo has given me knowledge to improve the organization of our ministry’s budget and define mission objectives I would highly recommend FiveTwo for anyone that is considering starting a ministry.
Mike Von Behren
Ten Talents Ministry LLC
Before engaging with FiveTwo I, along with leaders of our congregation, had a passion for connecting the gospel in a meaningful way to those in our community, but the ideas we were looking at were new and beyond any we had experienced. Through FiveTwo we were able to connect with other entrepreneurial church leaders, we gained ideas, learned from their experiences, and realized that God has given us more resources for this than we first thought.
Adam Peck
Jenison Serve
Before working with FiveTwo, we were stuck and lacked the confidence to move forward. But, with FiveTwo, we had the accountability and encouragement of regular coaching. We were offered a variety of approaches to help us take steps forward. We learned how to ask good questions so that we had content upon which to make decisions. We’ve now intentionally tested a variety of hypotheses and have been able to learn and pivot.
Eric Creekmore
Hill Country Bible Church
As a church that has been active in planting multiplying churches for almost 3 decades, we are always looking for new tools to help us do that better. We started working with FiveTwo when we wanted to equip a co-vocational planter who to not only plant a church but to focus his business to accommodate ministry. FiveTwo gave us the online tools and in person coaching and facilitation we needed to plant, what was for us, a new model of church. I would highly recommend Five Two as a resource for equipping planters in this new season of church planting.