Our Story

Our name flows from our founding story. In 2009 our Founder, Bill Woolsey, gathered 12 church planters together in Katy, TX, outside of Houston. Everyone came from multi-ethnic, suburban, rural, and inner-city backgrounds. Bill brought in a friend to facilitate the multi-day conversation.
The group didn’t know what they were going to start but they knew they had to do something. The larger church body many of the planters belonged to was on a downward decline. Leaders of the denomination had cast vision but had no strategy to achieve it. Lots of dollars and time were going to overseas efforts but no one was focusing on the neighbor next door. Nearly everyone at the table had experienced being pushed by people to do edgy things and then being pushed away by those very same people because they were TOO edgy.
But everyone gathered there was successfully reaching their communities and had seen Jesus’ miraculous provision over and over again throughout their ministries. They knew there had to be a way to help others do and see the same.
To get the juices flowing, the group’s facilitator took them to Mark 6, the story of the feeding of the 5000. The group noticed a number of things.
Both times Jesus speaks, it’s a command.
When disciples tell him the crowd is hungry and to send them home, Jesus says: “You give them something to eat.” He commands generosity, holding them accountable for the well-being of crowd.
When the disciples tell him feeding them will cost too much, that there are not enough resources to feed 5000+ people, Jesus responds with: “How many loaves and fish do you have? Go and see.” He commands them to go into the crowd/community and discover the resources He has already put there.
So, they do, and they find the little boy with 5 loaves and 2 fish and “appropriate” his food in order to accomplish their ministry.
This became our founding group’s “aha!”: everything you need to reach the community is in the community if you will but go and see, then bring it back to Jesus for blessing!
After that they chose the name FiveTwo, bought the url and were off to the races.
People are less attracted to church. The “come-to-us” model isn’t as effective in our changing culture. People are, however, more attracted to community and cause. “Live local” relationships and “make-a-difference” efforts are especially valued among younger generations.
We need two-way bridges from Church to culture for people to meet Jesus. We need to activate churches and faith-based ventures to bring the church outside the church walls so more people meet Jesus where they live.
Many pastors feel like they don’t have the resources they need to grow their church. But they know if their church doesn’t grow, its very future is at risk. We believe you already have the resources you need to grow. You just need a guide and a customized plan that works. The FiveTwo Strategic Growth Process lightens your load by involving your entire congregation from the very beginning. Our process creates lasting unity and momentum at all levels, minimizing conflict from day one. We want to be your trusted guide when it comes to growing your church. That’s why we walk with you every step of the way through our proven three-phase strategic growth process.
How We Clarify Your Organization for Unity
Although we provide customized coaching, it always starts with getting clear on your core values.
- Assemble Steering Team
- Who is Jesus calling you to serve?
- Engage Key Leaders
- Realign and focus ministries
- Members at every level give input
- Share results
How We Equip Organizations to Live Out Their Calling
How we Activate Organizations For Growth
Our collective experience as coaches, entrepreneurs, and church leaders have helped us to gather and organize exactly what faith-based organizations need to align and unite new and existing ministries for growth.
Our Network
Looking to connect with someone who is transforming their community and introducing people to Jesus in a really creative way? Our network is full of incredible ministries, non-profits, and kingdom businesses from a sex-trafficking ministry to a 150+ year-old church experiencing growth through reaching new people. Explore below.

We’re a team with diverse and extensive ministry experience and we’re passionate about helping your church or nonprofit reimagine their future in a rapidly changing culture. We’re ready to walk alongside you, providing the personalized training and coaching you need to unite your church for growth.

Meet the visionary leaders who hone the strategic direction for FiveTwo. They come from a variety of backgrounds and a variety of locations. Yet they share a common passion for Christ and burden for making Him known through new, creative ministries and businesses.