I lean strongly to the optimistic side of the spectrum.
Flows from the fact an image of God -albeit a cloudy one – resides in each person. Couple that with said God able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine and, there you go. Surely everything will work out fine?
Definitely depends on how you define fine.
If you peek through the eternal binoculars you spy Romans 8:28 and grab hold of “…all things work together for good for those who love God and have been called according to His purpose.” Nice longview promise.
Up close the view doesn’t always appear that good.
“For good” in real-time includes suffering. Struggles. Sadness that never fully leaves.
Failure instead of success. Promises broken instead of kept. Disappointments like disowning and deserting.
Anti-fun elements that lead us to wonder where joy hides out.
Yet God never breaks promises. His “Yes!” is always “Yes!” and never no.
Ultimately everything will work together for good.
You’ve got a guaranteed future spot by His side. Relaxing instead of struggling. Relieved instead of sad. Worry-free and wrapped in the certainty of His presence.
All thanks to the empty tomb always following the full cross.
All thanks to that renewed image of God in you as a gift from His Spirit.
An image straining to break through. An image more crisp the longer Jesus walks with you.
Life is looking up when that’s the image that peers back at you in the mirror.
Here’s to eternal optimism.