Since the clock fell back the sun rises earlier. Or so my body thinks.
Daylight gets me moving better than coffee. An open bedroom shade equals caffeine squared.
Shortened daylight leads to colored leaves soon to fall. Bermuda goes dormant. Squirrels bury more. Birds number fewer. A patch of Hayfield Tarweed sputters it’s remaining yellow like a squeeze bottle of mustard waiting on its replacement.
Daylight creates life. Darkness sends life scattering into a months-long game of hide and seek.
“In Him was life and that life was the light of men,” wrote John in the first chapter of his divine Jesus biography. Life and light dance together in God’s one-of-a-kind Son.
Jesus is the light of the world (John 8.12) who offers life to the world (John 14.6). He came to give sight to the blind and relocate us from a prison of darkness. (Isaiah 42.7). To remove the darkness from your eyes and mine (Acts 26.18). To overflow us with life (John 10.10).
We grasp the relationship between light and life in nature. Do you grasp the connection between the light of Jesus and the life only He gives?
To clearly see the dark brokenness in your life. To humbly confess where bitterness and death have ruled your heart.
To rest in His grace for every corner of your home. To allow His light to breathe new life into the dark places.
To receive His unconditional love that brings life to souls designed to live forever. To your soul designed to know Him forever.
Daylight gets me moving better than coffee. Jesus keeps me moving in the right direction.