When you break apart words you discover simple nuggets for squirreling away.
Discourage breaks apart easily: Dis-courage. Synonymous with de-courage. To remove courage.
To remove courage is to pour in fear. To implant doubt in one’s self or one’s God.
When you take courage out something not good jumps in.
Encourage breaks apart easily: En-courage. Synonymous with in-courage.
Encourage is to pour courage in. Literally.
An encourager adds hope to a heart. She implants confidence in one’s self or one’s God.
When you deposit courage in your son who wonders about his future bad stuff is pushed aside.
Especially when the courage you offer flows from the promises of Jesus.
Gigantic courage-infusing promises like “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4.13)
“We have different gifts according to the grace given to each of us…If it (your gift) is to encourage, then give encouragement.” (Romans 12.7,8)
I don’t know about you but everyone I know could use some encouragement.
Give words that fill up. Avoid the ones that drain out.