I’ve always prided myself on being fast.
Fast at cooking. Cleaning. Writing.
Fast processor. Fast decision-maker. Efficient. Quick. Get ‘er done.
Fast works well in some tasks. My wife appreciates how I mop fast.
She doesn’t like how I listen fast. As in I finish listening before she’s finished talking.
More and more I question why fast is good. Why I think it’s good.
If you’re fast you can get more done in the same amount of time. True. But you’re likely more stressed than the slow guy. #mirrortruth
You can create more. Produce more. Generate more. Yay for you.
But more is a tough boss. More always wants more.
More creates cracks where more can be wedged into days already full.
Not all of life wears fast well. Much of life looks best in slow.
Interacting with kids. Loving on your spouse. Enjoying dinner with friends you haven’t seen in months.
Relaxing. Resting. Restoring. All best served not fast.
Meditating. Praying. Contemplating.
Considering the future and direction and insights from mentors.
Listening to the Spirit baptized into you and whispering in Scripture.
Slow. Slow. Slow.
Where can you wedge in more slow today? You’ll have to throw out some fast.
Take your time.