Subtle bounces off me like water off a duck. Or a pebble off a boulder. Or love off an anger so intense it shakes.
My type-A vacuum-sealed my input channels in a protective covering some years back.
Smells go unnoticed unless overpowering. Words fail to land unless laser-pointed with my name included. Emotions fly invisibly by only to circle back later like an aircraft refueled and ready for battle.
Directive performs infinitely better. No “should’s” or “would’s” or inferring in the 3rd person hypothetically. I like knowing where I stand and what happens when I don’t.
Which sounds all nice and peachy until I realize my lack of truly listening combined with my need for speed ruins even the directive attempts.
Mr. Self-Sabotage. Mr. Unforgiving. It’s your fault you didn’t give it to me like I want it.
Maybe the most directive message I need shouts for forgiving more. Mercy more. Understanding more.
Maybe my performance issues don’t need to be your performance issues?
Maybe a grace-filled mirror leads to grace-filled ears no matter where you stand? No matter where I stand?
Thankfully it’s not maybe in Jesus but yes.
No subtle there.