Leftovers fill
The heart as they
Replay the day
Recalling those who were there
And those who weren’t.
Two kinds of longing –
One full,
One empty.
Giggles of a grandchild riding the knee pony.
Laughter of a mother absent for decades.
Food prepared over days for three generations.
Cans opened and microwaved for one only.
Football on tv and in the yard
Both with cheers of victory and talk of trash.
Arguments of loyalty born out of love leading to
Leaving in anger earlier than planned.
Alcohol bringing joy with toasts all around.
Alcohol resurrecting pain fermented for decades.
Grace for the words mis-spoken and un-.
Grace that formed the day into
One rich with smells and a
Sense of truly belonging
Not only to each other
But more so to
The One Providing
All Things
For my good and well-being.
The Lover and Savior of my soul.
He fills the empty.