The shelf holding the keyboard and trackpad I’m using to type these thoughts fell off this morning.
My standing desk is of the cheap DIY model formed from $14 worth of Ikea parts. No surprise the wood screws holding the shelf pulled out of the hollow core pressboard legs. My wife says I must lean on it too much.
Before being accurately accused I shared how I would need to run to the hardware store. She asked, “For some long bolts and wing nuts?”
I don’t know how often you’ve faced a problem, decided on your solution, and set out to execute it only to hear of a better one. Especially when you’ve been collecting long bolts and wing nuts proudly for 36 years, but own such an expansive nut collection you forgot the fact.
The solution lived in my garage. I simply needed to be reminded.
Once in wrapping up a teaching session Jesus told his students this: “Therefore every teacher of the law who has become a disciple in the kingdom of heaven is like the owner of a house who brings out of his storeroom new treasures as well as old.” (Matthew 13.52)
He reinforced how those who knew well the God of the Old Testament would discover in Jesus a divine continuity.
Jesus expanded rather than discounted what they knew of God. He literally fleshed out their limited understanding.
Jesus ushered in new insights and treasures. Radical forgiveness and a radical way of securing it. Simplicity of faith distilled into ‘love the Lord your God and love your neighbor as yourself.’
But He also dusted off century old truths revealing luster long-hidden. God’s heart for man flows from a Father’s compassion. The Father has always given unearned inheritances.
Jesus reminded the listeners of the divine long bolts in their garage and revealed a new way to use them. He reintroduced them to the eternal God who created and loves all, always.
That includes you. Rest in that new old relationship today.