I pray anxiously frequently.
Not outwardly. I tend to keep my stress and its relatives indoors. No need to let concern and worry on long walks outside where they could get a life of their own.
Instead I bombard them with prayer like a gamma knife on a cancerous tumor. Repeatedly. Throughout the day.
Sometimes out loud – when by myself. No need to appear looney.
Most of the time silently – albeit inside my head lots of shouting goes on.
Such prayers concern my kids. The stressors of being a PA or TA or mom. The demands of bringing beauty to worship or insight to business or both. How they hold on during a rough patch and avoid being swept overboard or swamped prematurely.
Such prayers concern my wife. For the extra hours to accomplish her typical superhuman list. For peace in wading through the myriad relationships tugging at her soul. For nights of great sleep and days of lovely conversations.
Lately such prayers concern the division in our culture: How to treat a pandemic. Who to vote for and why. Protests. Riots. The absence of civility in the public square. Canceling people you’ve never met over a tweet of 280 ABCs.
I find myself mumbling like that crazy uncle pleading God’s Spirit to show up big regarding wisdom and unity.
To protect hearts when their individual worlds get crazy. (Philippians 4.7)
To remind hearts our fight is not against flesh and blood, but against… the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 6.12)
To open hearts to the depth of God’s love for the world that led Him to give His one and only son.” (John 3.16)
God’s love extends beyond you and those you already love. It includes even those you disagree with or abhor.
It supernaturally and simultaneously changes your self-view in your mirror and your neighbor view through whatever lens you look through when looking beyond you.
God’s love in Jesus changes you and how you be you. Especially in regards to those who see the world unlike you.
Join me in praying for that end game.
Pray God’s will be done in our country. But pray more that God’s will be done in you and me.