The lady who bagged my groceries this morning is a great server.
She bubbled with more joy at 8 am then I produce in a day. Ok, a week.
Hers is the all-day task of making sure the cold goes with the cold. The apples with the oranges. Soft not squished by hard. Shoot me now.
Perhaps she’s read it. She definitely lives it: “We have different gifts according to the grace given to each of us…If it (your gift) is serving, then serve.” (Romans 12.7)
Those in the service industry (especially outside of essential businesses) will be hard hit by the COVID catastrophe.
I fear the divide between the haves and the have-nots will grow wider. Life is not good when you depend on hourly wages and there are no wages for your hours.
We who are the Church must narrow the gap.
A charge six verses past the above one is in order for those of us whose wages continue on: “Share with the Lord’s people who are in need.” (Romans 12.13)
Bless those who serve you today. Thank them for their joy.
Bless those who would serve you today but are without jobs in this season. Honor them with a portion of the good things Jesus has poured into your life.
The Master Servant loves servers. Serve them some love today.