We all have days from the past that repeat.
Events of incredible joy. Births. Graduations. Weddings. Promotions. All representing new life that speaks to the soul. That fills the soul.
Events of incredible pain. Deaths. Failings. Divorces. Firings. All representing the ending of life that screams at the soul. That fills the soul so that joy has a difficult time finding room.
All of the life the world gives brings joy that will ultimately face the pain of death.
Incredible joy for a season. Joy that lives on in memories. But joy shadowed by death like a hazy filter on an Instagram photo that blurs the edges somewhat.
Easter changed that.
Jesus’ resurrection from the grave wasn’t fuzzy or ghostly. It resulted in sharp edges of real holes in real hands of a real conquering-death-human.
Easter is meant to repeat. At least every Sunday. Preferably every morning.
Your baptism secures that. Ties you to Easter. Ensures the life in you will never be snuffed out by death again. Gives you strength and confidence as you face another day that can’t help but bring death.
That next painful anniversary that comes around? That next death of a son prematurely or loss of status quite publicy? Remember Easter. Rest in Easter.
You belong to Jesus. Your ending is resurrection. You and the rest of the world will one day experience a grandiose makeover where all who belong to Jesus will live in crystal clear joy.
Rest in your new birth into Easter through the waters of baptism.
Easter makes the best anniversaries even better. Easter makes sure the worse anniversaries won’t overwhelm you.