Homes and towns dotted the darkness as I flew back to Austin the other night. Nighttime flying reveals people living in places off the path most traveled.
Fireflies of children. Flashlights of couples. Floodlights of neighbors on porches catching up at the end of the week.
Stories of joy wrapped with laughter. Loud conversations bordering on arguing. Confessions of frustration with a boss.
Sadness over a son long lost. Excitement over a daughter returned.
All seen from above on a clear night. Like a panoramic view reserved for divine eyes. Twinkling stars on the ground instead of the sky.
Their stories I only guess. Their lives I can only surmise. Years of pastoral ministry filled my coffers with examples from one end to the other. But I know not the details nor the names that bring the twinkles to life.
Our Creator does.
The One who called you out of darkness and filled you with life. Who knitted your body and soul together inseparably in your mother’s womb. Who decided your laid-back personality and shocking red hair.
Who destined you a pigment that freckles instead of tans. Who knows the number of said freckles you have.
He knows. He loves. He cares about every part of your story. About every part of you.
You’re not living off His path. You’re not going through life unnoticed.
For you are His. You belong to the Father of all. He loves you infinitely.
Twinkle on.