
2-Minute Multipler: Venue

Rural internet wildebeests drove me out of my home office in search of a more dependable tether to the virtual world. 

I landed in a coffee shop on the square in little Burnet, Texas. 200mbps download. 

Heaven with a caffeine drip.

The morning produced a menu of locals catching up on life with a side-order of tidbits. Some I couldn’t hear. Others I couldn’t help but. Sound-cancelling AirPods only cancel so much.

When God moves you from one locale to another He immerses you in the same life only different. 

New sounds. Sights. Temperatures. Pickup truck after pickup truck driving by. People who consider hats and flannel and boots fancy attire. It is the Hill Country.

How open are you to new experiences? New settings? Are they opportunities for growth and seeing life through a different window? A window you haven’t peered through lately? Or ever?

Are there positive possibilities in disruption? In suffering?

Life is growth is change is new. Even on the downhill side of the slope. Even when you didn’t script out the day.

Enjoy the new God brings your way today. Consider the grace He’s wrapped in the coffee and conversations.

Count the blessings in the wildebeests.