
2-Minute Multiplier: Dreams

My golden-doodle dreams. At least I think that’s what’s happening.

While sleeping he occasionally makes these little sad(?) or happy(?) barks. Kind of a deep-throated cross between a yip and a hiccup. Kind of.

 I’m not sure if they’re romantic comedies chasing a ball in the field or swimming in the lake. Or scary movies being chased by a coyote or running into a cactus.

Usually we have to say his name a couple of times to bring him out of it. No clue if he’s disappointed to wake up or not.

Do you dream when asleep? I occasionally do. More often it’s when I’m wide awake.

I float off into fantasy. Success and status invite me to dinner wanting nothing more than to bless me abundantly.  We dine on fine wine and fatty meat. Words of affirmation and back pats served for dessert.

I glaze over into coyote-chased dreams with pounding heart and breathing deep. Such occasions star anxiety. Disappointment and failure ready to ambush me around the corner. Predestined to repeat past mistakes time and again.

I switch-hit both sides of the dream world.

Rarely does Jesus appear in my dreams. My subconscious too self-centered to invite Him in.  

Thankfully He’s always in my reality. Thankfully He’s always working my reality for my good. 

No matter the outcome of my dreams.