
2-Minute Multiplier: 4th

Freedom serves as the foundation for The United States of America.

Free to vote. Free to worship. Free to start businesses and own businesses.
Free to live where you want, read what you want, say what you want.
Free to have one child or no child or childx10.

Free to be me and do me and promote me.

Such freedom needs laws to keep order. Such freedom needs free hearts to not overrun the laws.

Free hearts happen in the Kingdom of Jesus.

Hearts free to forgive. Free to forgo. Free to fail knowing grace will catch you.Hearts free to serve. Free to take the lowest seat. Free to obey parents and employers and governments. 
Hearts free to love enemies. Free to give sacrificially. Free to not worry about my well-being.

Hearts free to not be me. At least not the true “what’s in it for me” me.

The Kingdom of Jesus takes on flesh in the lives of the people of Jesus. It lives and breathes in the Church of Jesus thanks to the Spirit of Jesus.

It’s not a political system. But it influences political systems.
It’s not an economic system. But it influences economic systems.
It’s not void of laws. But its laws flow from the law of love.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. Love your neighbor as yourself. Those are commands. From God.

Earthly kingdoms are not perfect for they are led by imperfect man. We will always live in one this side of heaven.

Jesus’ Kingdom reveals glimpses of perfection in the midst of imperfection. One day we’ll live there in perfectionx10.

In the meantime, thank God for both of the kingdoms. You’ve got a lot of freedom.