
2-Minute Multiplier: Anticipating

Old Man Winter decided he wants to visit the Texas Hill Country again.

I realize for some of you he camped out at your place and has no intention of leaving anytime soon. A friend mentioned they had 10 inches of snow overnight and more’s on the way. Thank you but no.

Temps seem determined to crawl into the single digits at my place in a few days. Unheard of down in God’s country.

Knowing what’s coming changed my schedule. I’ve now penciled in moving the potted plants into the garage and ensuring the outside faucets are truly insulated.

A future-looking weather app helps us prepare. Mentally, physically and spiritually. Good surprises are nice. Bad ones rarely are.

How easy it is to go from “thankful for the knowledge” to “consumed with the possible negatives.” Three straight nights in single digits tends to scare people who only experience such extremes vicariously through their northern friends.

Jesus offers anticipation of the good kind. 

  • No more suffering solo.
  • No more going through life alone.
  • No more divine punishment.
  • No more wondering if you have a divine purpose or calling.
  • No more worrying what lies on the other side of death.
  • No more scarcity mindset. If you have Jesus, you have more than enough.

If you’ve been baptized, you definitely have Jesus. And His Spirit. And a loving Father who called you and claims you and sets you on a path that might wind through valleys but always ends up on a mountaintop.

His mountain. Where His cross and your banquet await.

When Old Man Winter comes knocking on your door, your Father God is the one who answers it.

That’s a nice anticipation.