
2-Minute Multiplier: Anything

My wife and I do a particular dance every so often. 

It kicks off when someone calls wanting her to tutor math. Especially higher level Calculus or Statistics.

The song goes like this: 

“They want me to tutor calculus.” “Of course.” 

“They think I can help their son.” “Sure they do.” 

“But that’s higher level stuff.” “So?” 

“I’m decades out of college (ed. note – graduating magna cum laude in three years with a math degree).” “Yeah?”

The steps rarely change. It’s usually a slow waltz of sorts. With a couple of twirls and dips.

Yesterday it ended with her sarcastically stating, “You think I can do anything.”

“No. I don’t think you can do anything. I only think you can do anything if it has to do with math.

She didn’t say anything back.

Most people are good at something. They have some God-given ability that when properly watered and tended grows both deep and wide. 

It becomes second-nature. Core to who they are. And it blesses the people around them. Via in-person or zoom or however.

It can be simple like making people feel really welcome at a restaurant or on the phone. It can be more complex like designing a quilt or the pressure regulator for a pipeline.

Matters not the size or scope. What matters is the “wow” it creates inside others as they recognize something wonderful just happened. Something beyond them and outside them but blessing them.

That’s my wife with math. She makes the complex and complicated understandable. She creates “Ah!” moments.

What anything area did God put in you? Cooking? Cleaning? Selling? Sailing? Pie-making? Pi-grasping?

It’s a good thing to realize it. To recognize it. To thank your Creator for gifting you it. To be it.

You can’t do just anything. But I bet you can do something really, really well.

What’s your anything?