
2-Minute Multiplier: Authentic

Lunch today featured comfort food from El Charro. A wonderful former Dairy Queen now serving no-frills Mexican fare.

Menudo. Green chicken enchiladas. Tamales with an only-slightly-thicker-than-water chili sauce. Thick corn tortillas that appear almost flour to this gringo’s eyes.

No fancy menus. No fancy decors. Booths with that sticky plastic wrap that hugs your skin as you try to slide forcing you to hop in an unflattering way.

But you’re not there for the decor. Or the ambiance. Out of all the possibilities to grab Mexican locally – and there are plenty – you chose this one for the food. Authentic food.

More and more, more people get their spirituality from a DIY source. 

The latest meditation app. The Instagram influencer encouraging you to look inward. The trending book of divine ladder building that transforms you from peon to successful.

A thought to consider re: authentic spiritual food – 

If it points you inward…

If it leaves you feeling like your future hinges on you and your ability and effort…

If it implies it’s all on your shoulders…

If it connects you to some god that leads with demands and commands and requirements…

If there’s a sense of same-old same-old…

I suspect it’s not authentic Spiritual food. 

Authentic would offer a loving God who meets His own demands. 

A Father God who holds His Son accountable for the rest of the family. 

An all-powerful God who demonstrated power by giving it all up.

Authentic would look unique. One-of-a-kind. Truly soul-satisfying.

Authentic is Jesus.