
2-Minute Multiplier: Bajillion

The orchid in my office began the bloom cycle. 

This particular plant loves life. The sun and fertilizer and my warm abode set him up for success. He’s loaded with 36 buds ready to burst in the upcoming month.

For now, though, only one of them is open. A foretaste of things to come.

The lone bloom appears fake. It’s too pretty. Too perfect. Its petals remind me of white linen stationary stained with splotches of burgundy ink. 

A perfect union of random and beauty.

Even if the other blooms never open the lone ranger’s still gorgeous. Stunning, actually.

But imagine when they all open. Imagine the intense color collage when all four stems have exploded.

That’s what an orchid is designed to do. It’s made to shout, “Look at me! Let’s see you do this.”

Daily I get glimpses of God’s goodness in people. Gifts of words or time. Counsel and wisdom. Compassion and concern.

All as beautiful as ink-spotted linen petals. All fueled by a gracious God.

Usually just single blooms. Beautiful in their contrast to the surroundings. Painting a picture of how life should really be.

One day we’ll all be in one place. All 36 bajillion of us. Exploded in fullness. Totally living out the perfect life we were created for. Around the throne of the Orchid-Maker.

That’ll be a show.