
2-Minute Multiplier: Blood

My doctor believes my blood is a window to my health.

For my annual physical there are a few in-person tests. But 99% of his prognosis re: my body’s rate-of-decay flows from my blood.

Tests with acronyms I’m unfamiliar with identify areas needing immediate addressing. Others belong on the watch list. I prefer when both of those categories are empty.

There’s a reason for the phrase life-blood. Actually it’s slightly redundant.

The dark red liquid carries the food and oxygen your body needs to every part of your body. The tip of your tongue and your thumb and your nose and your toe. Blood goes there.

No blood, no life. Blood is life.

When someone gives blood, she gives life. When you receive extra blood, you prolong your life.

The Old Testament spoke of blood sacrifices. Of animals’ blood being poured out and sprinkled onto people and altar in order for life to continue.

The New Testament speaks of Jesus blood being poured out for the same reason. Only His sacrifice doesn’t need repeating. His blood possessed divine power woven into its very human reality.

I like it when my blood stays inside my body. Don’t need it getting out anywhere.

I like it even more that Jesus’ allowed His blood to be poured out for me. His blood brings me the life I truly need. 

Jesus blood is a window to my soul.