
2-Minute Multiplier: Burnt

Burnt – when applied to food – doesn’t sell. 

I’ve never seen burnt pizza on a menu. 

When my toaster over-toasts I scrape the burnt off the bread. 

The perfect roasted marshmallow is just that: roasted. Not burnt.

Burnt and food don’t marry well. 

Burnt and conscience do.

Today is Ash Wednesday. Burnt by any other name.

Burnt Wednesday kicks off Lent. A 40 day DIY field trip of self-denial mirroring Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. 

40 days to reflect on your inability to live the selfless life God designed you to live.

40 days to consider how you left God only one loving option: fix it Himself.

Jesus’ crucifixion on Golgotha revealed the depth of the Father’s love for you.

Jesus’ resurrection on Easter revealed the depth of the Father’s power in you.

A Spirit who will leave you never. A Spirit who keeps you with your Creator forever.

To get there requires a burnt conscience. Burnt into submission. Burnt into humility. 

Burnt out. No longer wanting to call the shots or occupy the lead chair.

Burnt up. So the Holy Spirit can fill you up. Giving you courage. Confidence. Contentment. He’s in control of your life.

Some of you will receive a burnt cross on your forehead today. No need to scrape it off. Burnt is good.