
2-Minute Multiplier: Closed

Saturday was a double airport day. Dropped off a friend at 3:00 pm. Picked up my wife at 7 pm.

The drive from home to the airport takes an hour. I intended to land in a sports bar and watch golf in between. Do some writing. Spend time in a different setting for a change.

I forgot Texas establishments making 51%+ from alcohol sales were closed for dine-in purposes. Thus I sat at a picnic table at the cell phone lot nursing my disappointment. Not quite the same. 

Closed doors open onto decks of disappointment. Whether a sports bar or a relationship. A business opportunity or a getaway weekend. A house perfect for your family or a puppy perfect for your daughter.  

When our plans need changing. When our hopes need morphing. When our desires need reevaluating. Discouragement blooms.

Obviously our sovereign God deemed His future more appropriate than our preferred. We rest in knowing “all things work together for the good of those who love Him and have been called according to His purpose.” Father knows best.

Knowing such truth provides energy for the journey. But disappointment rarely dissipates immediately. 

The larger the disappointment the more frequent I need reminding and more daily I need to remember Whose I am. How His plans work. Where I stand in His divine scheme of things.

I return to my baptism. I return to that very real event in my very real life where God opened a new door between my world and His. Entered in. Set up shop. Staked a claim.

Committed to stay with me regardless how far away I veer. God never strays.

Daily disappointment dwells large in a broken world. I need more daily Jesus for sure.