
2-Minute Multiplier: Drilling

The electric company chose today to drill holes for new electric poles in our neighborhood. Into granite.

When they drilled for our pole a few years ago it was a multi-day affair. Day 1 saw the drilling crew give up about four hours in. Day 2 brought the arrival of a mega granite mauler. He didn’t convince our granite to give up the ghost until Day 3.

Drilling through granite creates an unnatural sound that moves through windows and walls causing panic that an air conditioner is going out. It’s like a dull headache that takes you a while to realize what’s going on.

The sound originates from one of granite’s core traits: it’s not designed to go through. One requires granite-knowledge often involving explosives. Especially when installing a septic tank. (Ask me how I know.)

Daily we face granite blocks that block our way.

We can simply fall back and forget about drilling. Or move the pole and drill elsewhere. Or stay with the original location and call in the granite expert.

Jesus doesn’t offer one simple solution for granite obstacles. Rather He calls us to know His will. Follow His will. Trust in His provision.

Such granite navigating flows from daily conversations with Jesus in prayer. Daily listening to Jesus while reading His Word. Daily consulting with Jesus’ people.

The result is perseverance. Perseverance grounded in Jesus’ advice.

Perseverance grounded in believing Jesus’ knows. Perseverance full of peace more than anxiety.

When trying to drill through granite today…turn off the machine. Spend some time in prayer and reading. Consult with a Jesus-mentor. Then decide your next steps. Dull headaches are no fun.