
2-Minute Multiplier: Eerie

My flight to Vegas this morning has more rows than people. Only 34 of us chose to fly non-stop from Austin at 8:40 am. 

Empty means I have two entire rows to myself. No problem with the 6 feet of social distancing.

Empty also means eerie. 

Eerie materializes when life leaves. Like football stadiums housing just a handful. Birthing wards hosting no one. Typically packed planes feeling more like private charter flights.

When the child leaves for college or husband leaves for heaven, the spaces left behind feel weird. Unnatural.

God designed life to be experienced with other life. Other beings that breathe and hold and hug.

Jesus’ words “I am the Resurrection and the Life” resonate especially when empty roams the halls.

Death cannot remove Him. Or defeat Him. Or deny Him the ability to bring life where you need it.

Where do you need eerie replaced with comfort? What void in your heart or home could use His presence? 

He rescues lonely and speaks peace into scary. He replaces your uncertainty with His calm.

Rest in the Life of Jesus today.