
2-Minute Multiplier: Egypt

After starting as a 400m indoor race, 2020 took a hard right turn and morphed into a 6km cross country for professionals only.

Rarely used words became daily running companions. Lockdown. Pandemic. Social distancing. Zoom. Masks. COVID. 

Even ‘normal’ got a makeover. Now everyone wants to know when the ‘old normal’ will return. 

I’m betting ‘old normal’ left town and his cousin ‘new’ is taking over. New’ll look vaguely like ‘old’ but with a variety of previously unimagined traits.

Most of us don’t want our normal changed. Life contains enough change without messing with normal.

Mary and Joseph’s life possessed plenty of out-of-the-ordinary. Especially with Jesus’ birth.

No nice birthing room. No family around. Strangers as guests. A baby destined to change the world.

They at least should have been allowed to go back home post-delivery to be with family in Nazareth. Instead they packed up for Egypt, compliments of Herod.

Herod’s attempt to kill Jesus introduced the Christmas family to a new normal. On-the-run. Immigrant label. No friends. Afraid for the well-being of their baby.

The previously planned race they thought they were running morphed into a dry and dusty cross-country.

Your 2020 might have felt that way. Your 2021 most likely will.

God’s plan for you rarely travels unchanging paths. Deserts and mountains pop up accompanied by scorpions and snakes. Previously unheard of routes become your main highway.

God never deserts you, though. He never leaves you on your own to navigate your new reality. His presence never takes a holiday.

Jesus ran his Egyptian cross-country to retrace the historical steps of the people He would represent. He knows off-road. He knows how to navigate you through yours.

He’s a ‘normal’ who never changes. Depend on that.