
2-Minute Multiplier: Focus

I’m freezing. 

Not literally. Just that my hands and feet are cold. I’m wearing three layers including a thick sweater. Wool socks. And a stocking cap. While in my home office. 

The satanic vortex tackling Texas shut us down starting Sunday. I’m nursing the propane in the underground tank like the widow of Zarephath nursed her oil and flour. Fervently praying for God to extend it until they’re able to get delivery trucks back on the treacherous roads. Which is another four days. 

To encourage the miracle along we lowered the thermostat to 59. Yes. That’s not a typo. 

Did I mention I’m freezing? 

One big Bill takeaway: How hard it is to focus on the stuff you’re supposed to be doing when you’re cold.  

When the view out the back looks more like Colorado instead of Texas. 

When the out-of-the-ordinary invades your world and vies for top billing. 

When suffering of any size changes your routine and modifies your calendar. 

The mind tends to go to what the body is experiencing. 

Afraid. Worried. Concerned. Exhausted. Overwhelmed. All become renters in your head. 

One bad “What if?” built onto another like a multi-tiered showstopper cake on The Great British Baking Show. (Guess what we watched last night while huddled under blankets in our sub-zero bedroom?) 

It’s hard to be productive when your body is shivering. 

Maybe productive isn’t the right focus? Perhaps it’s to be prayerful and thankful. 

For cars you can charge phones in. For Facebook photos showing your struggle isn’t unique. For friends who text to check in from around the country. 

Perhaps it’s to focus on the One who promises to never leave or forsake you. Who promises to provide for your needs in ways you can’t plan for. Whose Spirit inside you is trying to warm your soul. 

Especially when you’re shivering.