Some days bolt out the gate like a greyhound chasing a fake rabbit.
Say “Aaah” at the dentist with a permanent crown installation.
Engage another Type A in a friendly but forceful budget discussion.
Wade through emails. Zoom with colleagues from around the country.
Hop in a car for a three hour trip to a college graduation. Write a devotion in said car to meet a 5 pm deadline.
Cheer as our future daughter-in-law walks the stage. Celebrate with dinner and in-laws-to-be.
Fall into bed just before midnight.
Not every day paints such a pace. Many build slowly or ebb and flow like a scheduled tide.
Every so often, however, a day breaks rank and refuses to obey. It exhibits more a teenage mentality than toddler. More a tornado bringing chaos than gentle breeze soothing my face.
Such days easily suck me into a frantic frenzy. Such days require the Spirit of Jesus to steady me in the storm.
His is a Spirit of peace unexplainable. Of love unending. Of power unfathomable. Of wisdom incomparable.
A Spirit who breathes calm into me in the crazy. Who makes sure I’m chasing rabbits that make an eternal difference.
Praise Jesus He has given me such a gift in baptism.
May the Spirit of Jesus open your heart to His gifts today. Especially when the day’s a full one.