
2-Minute Multiplier: Good

My youngest son got a job offer. In his field. In the city he wants. Two months before he wraps his masters. Three months before getting married.

God excels at just-in-time delivery.

We’ve been praying for this since last summer. COVID squashed a number of jobs. Especially in Sam’s commercial real estate space.

Every month we’d bite our tongues and patiently wait for him to share any news. No need to be that nagging parent.

Amazing how good good news makes you feel. Even if he turns down the offer. Getting an offer in itself is awesome.

It says someone wants you. Someone thinks you have the goods their company needs. Someone has a spot for you on the team. On their team.

And they’re willing to pay you for saying, “Yes!”

Our brokenness longs for good news.  So much of our energy revolves around worry. And fear. And “What if’s?” of the negative variety.

Pandemics will do that to you. As will cancer and divorce and bankruptcies and all of the bad possibilities that wake you up at night.

We spend more hours preparing for the worse rather than anticipating the best.

Into all of those dark rabbit holes, God’s Good News shines brightly.

“You are mine. You always will be.”

“You are loved. Nothing can stop my love for you. Not even you can stop it.”

“You are perfect in my sight. Just as you are. Today. No jumping through hoops or climbing some ladder. We’re good.”

God’s Good News transcends the most negative what-ifs. The most devastating diagnoses. The worse possible outcomes in any relationship.

God’s Good News lasts forever. It overcomes whatever. It’s meant for whomever.

God’s Good News is Jesus. He’s God’s good gift to you. From here to eternity.