
2-Minute Multiplier: Gush

Friends visiting for a few days got treated to a tour of the area.

A two-hour drive pointing out rock outcroppings – “Isn’t that a gorgeous formation?” 

Historical trivia about the dam – “It’s over 2 miles long. Longest dam in the U.S. when built in the ’30s.” 

Repeated blue-water views of various lakes – “Part of the chain of lakes flowing down to Austin. This one’s constant-level.”

Anecdotes and stories of living life locally in the hill country.

When you love a place…when you love a person…you tend to tell people.

Your pride and passion peek through and pour over. Perhaps boring to some. Perhaps over-the-top to others. Sincere and heart-felt to you.

Your love can’t help but live in words. 

For some reason that truth changes when the topic is Jesus.

We build a dam that keeps our love for Jesus from pouring over into the lives of others. Perhaps because of how we’ll be viewed. Perhaps because we’re unsure which words to use. 

I suspect it’s because we’ve tend to view faith as private. We deem it inappropriate to gush over. 

I’ll gush over my favorite bbq joint. I’ll make you guess regarding my favorite eternal God.

Jesus didn’t come to be your secret hero. His Father sent Him to be the world’s well-known hero. 

There’s nothing wrong with rambling on about things you love. Nothing wrong with sharing how you feel about your fav whatever. 

It shows what’s near and dear to you.

What words would you use to describe Jesus? Maybe you just need to practice.

Here are some words to let roll out your mouth: Faithful. Dependable. Trustworthy. Determined. Compassionate. Sacrificial. All-loving. Always listening. Ever present. Never leaving. God.

Give it a whirl. Take me on a Jesus tour.