
2-Minute Multiplier: Gusty

The wind holds court on our hill today. Gusts of 40 mph. 

You can hear it. You can feel it. You can see the path it takes.

Trees attempting a curtsy. Grasses fully bowed down. Flower petals and fallen leaves buying tickets to other parts of the valley.

Google “Why wind?”, and you’ll discover it’s a result of cold moving into warm. A high pressure moving into a low pressure. Wind welcomed into a previously full but now empty space. 

Like your lungs filling with oxygen after the carbon dioxide left.  

Wind plays a supporting role in the Jesus story. Often partnered with the Holy Spirit. That invisible Breath of Fresh Air God sends His people. 

A Wind that brings new ideas like welcoming your enemies into your home. 

A Wind that brings new hope like the resurrection from the dead. 

A Wind that brings new power in that simple phrase, “Your sins are forgiven.”

Carting women and men off to new valleys to plant the Gospel in hearts and homes and cities and cultures.

Says Jesus when speaking of His gusty Spirit: “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” John 3.8

I received God’s Spirit in my baptism at two weeks old. It kept me on God’s path until I realized its presence. Until I stopped fighting against it. Became more thankful than kicking and screaming.

Thankful it keeps me moving in the right direction every day.

Where do you need the Spirit of Jesus to speak to you? What would you like blown out of your life so that you have room for His peace? His joy? His hope?

Bring that out onto your hill this morning. Breathe it out of your lungs. Receive His Spirit anew.

It’s going to be a gusty one.