
2-Minute Multiplier: Heart Magnet

You and I spend money on what’s important. At least to us.

We weigh the cost on the ‘Spend Here’ scale, and if the readout spells “Worth it,” it’s a done deal.

Our worth-it lists contain similar headings: Providing a home for family. Food to eat. Clothes to wear. Transportation.

But the details range as wide as the mouth of the Mississippi: Some eat out frequently. Others buy only organics from Sprouts. Still others believe in canned and frozen with no-name labels.

Your family vacation to Disney World qualifies as wasteful to me. My home that can sleep multi-generations of Woolseys is pure over-the-top excessiveness to you.

At the end of the day, we spend money on what’s important. Ditto for giving. Spending and giving sleep in the same bed. Both tell a story of what’s valuable.

In Jesus’ words, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6.21) Your money follows your heart on an expedition in search of meaning.

One of the best ways to determine your heart’s treasure is to map your money. Where do you spend it? To whom do you give it? How big of a room have you rented out to generosity?  

If Jesus were distilled to one character trait, generous would get a huge percentage of votes. From birth to death to resurrection Jesus gave away and gave up and gave in so that you and I will always have. Forever given to.

Are there causes or concerns that open your heart’s coffers before you can say “no?” Where is Jesus calling you to be generous with money today?