
2-Minute Multiplier: Herod

Some names deserve the bottom shelf of the pantry back behind the waffle iron that’s used only once a year. If even.

Names reminding us of humanity’s ability to fail spectacularly or succumb to evil fully.

Names like Hitler. Stalin. Mao Zedong. And Herod. 

Herod’s death count didn’t reach the millions like others. But his desire for power had no trouble ordering the deaths of male children younger than two in the vicinity of Jesus’ birth. All in an attempt to kill Jesus before Jesus could do any damage to Herod’s position.

One would rather Jesus not be around when one wants to be in charge.

What Herod tried to kill the Jesus in you this year?  What Herods seek to keep Jesus off His throne in your life?

Fear for your health or the health of someone close to you?

Worry over closing the last deal of 2020?

Anxiety over your business and whether it will make it? 

An arrogant attitude that considers itself self-sufficient and not needing any god?

Jesus threatens the status quo by offering peace in the presence of anxiety. Security instead of uncertainty. Love instead of apathy. Grace instead of guilt. Action instead of driving by and ignoring.

I was with my brother-in-law yesterday. Over the past few years his role has moved to a contract position in the oil and gas industry. No stability of employee with benefits. Job-security lasting only as long as the project.

“How are you doing?” seemed the appropriate question since his hours were just reduced. His response: “Jesus has always provided for me. I just take it one day at a time.” #wisdom

Herod didn’t kill the baby Jesus. The Herods in your life can’t kill Him either. Rest in that. Rest in Him.