
2-Minute Multiplier: Honesty

I spent a number of days last week listening to what people thought about our site. 

None of them had ever met us. All of them claimed Christianity as their faith.

The feedback ranged the spectrum from “Fantastic! Never seen anything like it.” to “Too Christian for me, but my super-Christian friend would love it.”

I love the term “super-Christian.” I’m not totally sure what it means but I intend to trademark it.

Listening to people’s opinions challenges one’s being. Especially if they’re about your being in one form or the other.

We tend to discount their thoughts when they differ from ours. We elevate them when on the same page. The sweeter the words, the truer they sound.

Our ears and hearts perk up and calm down when the words are nice. They shut down and close up when critical. They sound false when delivered without love. 

Truly listening to another’s thoughts requires humility. It entails drawing out their thoughts instead of obsessing on yours. Hearing their struggles instead of one-upping. 

Listening leads to understanding when done with intent. An intent to draw near. To grasp the heart of the other for the sake of relationship.

Honesty without love hurts. No ignoring that.

But lies don’t lead to healing. Untruth doesn’t bring about needed change. Falsehood doesn’t protect as much as it pretends.

Embrace truth today. Seek honesty. Even if it hurts.