
2-Minute Multiplier: Honey

An appetizer I fell in love with over the weekend involved brie on baguette. Topped with an apple slice. Toasted in the oven.

Then drizzled with honey.

I’ve encountered very few things honey can’t make better.

Peanut butter + honey? Better. Greek yogurt + honey? Better. Fried chicken + honey? Do we even need to discuss?

Honey takes on geographical tastes. A friend of mine raises honeybees in New Hampshire. Her bees’ honey tastes different than the local honey we buy from Llano. More florally. Lighter.

Deep-south folk call some folk, “Honey.” A term of sweet endearment deeply embedded with good. “Honey,” “Sweetie,” and “Sugar,” belong to friends and loved ones. Not enemies.

The Bible’s use of honey stays the course. 

God uses it to describe the luscious land He promised His Israelite people. He uses it more often to describe the luscious impact of words on souls.

Words with friends can be as satisfying as honey (Proverbs 16.24). Words from God are eternally sweet (Psalm 19.10 & Psalm 119.103).

Encouraging words from people we live with remove burdens and allow us to stand taller. More confident. Less overwhelmed with life.

Encouraging words from our Father remove guilt and shame and allow us to rest in the midst of chaos. More breathing room. Less overwhelmed with our future.

Honey-words bring wisdom wrapped in love. They ring true across geography and history. Even if the words ouch. 

Like a bee sting followed up with a spoonful.

Enjoy the next sweet time you honey-drizzle your toast or honey-dunk that nugget. So good.

Cherish the next time God’s Word sweetens your soul. How it grounds you to a Greater Good Who is eternal. Who wants only good for you. Who loves you eternally.

“Who makes every day of life sweeter, Honey.”