
2-Minute Multiplier: Messy

Every quarter or so my office grows piles. 

Piles of paper needing filing. Piles of cards I’ve received. Piles of books someone wants me to read or review. Piles of shirts for an event or documents for income tax prep.

My wife believes piles are of Satan. They should be exterminated immediately. Before they become a pile, even.

I take a softer, more gentle approach. Let them linger in the sunshine. Listen in on conversation. Enjoy life.

Once I’m done with them I’ll break them up. Send them on their individual ways. 

Typically I’m pretty neat and tidy. In one congregation I even put stickers under my desk objects so that the cleaning staff would put them back in the right location.

Yeah. I was that guy.

But every few months my neat and tidy persona needs a vacation. Some part of my life I can put off until later.

Non-existent is the person perfectly the same in all areas of life. Perfectly organized. Perfectly disciplined. Perfectly neat and tidy and loving and serving.

Even those who look that way on the outside own some closet where the messy lives. Where the brokenness is stored. Where the bitterness grows unfettered into giant ogres wanting to run the entire show.

Jesus loves every part of you. Every closet. Every pile of mess you’ve accumulated and leave sitting around.

There’s no need to keep it secret from Him. There’s no need to think He’ll love you less because of it.

He’s amazing when it comes to dealing with messy. He gets that no one’s perfect.

That’s why He is.