
2-Minute Multiplier: Ordinary

My devotion app numbers the weeks according to the Roman Catholic method of Ordinary Time.

Contrary to first impression ordinary speaks to the ordinal numbering system. More about “The 13th Week” instead of a mundane and routine one.

Ironically Ordinary Time in the Church Year covers the mundane and routine of Jesus’ life.

Eating. Praying. Boat rides. Parties. Conversations.

Mediating conflict. Dealing with hostile crowds. Navigating family members who don’t get him.

Because Jesus is Jesus Ordinary Time also includes miracles of lame legs made good and rough lakes calmed and dead children raised. Out-of-the-ordinary for sure.

Yet happening so often and with such frequency they speak of what’s ordinary when One wraps divine power in human flesh.

When the ordinary Jesus mixes and mingles with the routine of man. When the Kingdom of God moves out the fiefdom of satan.

All of the ordinary becomes extra-. All of the mundane offers opportunities for miraculous.

Enjoy your ordinary day. Keep an eye out for ordinary Jesus.