
2-Minute Multiplier: Place

We’re helping my son and daughter-in-law set up and beautify their new place this weekend. I’m bringing the tools. My wife’s bringing the beauty. 

You and I are place people. We can’t experience reality outside of place. Body-constrained is our destiny. 

Even in the new creation promised when Jesus returns. We’ll still be spirit inside of body. Soul encompassed by flesh. 

Which is why place is so important to us. Why land is refreshing. Cathedrals are inspiring. Houses become homes. 

It’s why working remotely and worshipping virtually create existential angst. They unsettle our natural way of knowing reality and experiencing life. 

Partly why the author of Hebrews reminds us Jesus is our land. Jesus is our place. 

He’s the comfy chair in the quiet study by the picture window overlooking rolling hills exploding in shades of green. 

Jesus doesn’t replace the apartment you live in or the country home you built. He’s not calling you to be homeless or get over your desire for a roof over your head. 

He’s reminding you He anchors all of the places in your life. He secures them when high winds hit. 

He makes great places better. He turns suffering places glorious. 

Enjoy the place where Jesus has placed you. Enjoy how He’s made that place – and you – His.