
2-Minute Multiplier: Pump

Earlier today my faucets and toilets starting mimicking a hiccuping whale. Our community water system was sending a message that it was running out of water.

The Texas deep freeze led to people opening their taps to avoid frozen pipes. That’s a wise thing.

It also led to broken lines in homes never anticipating a week below 32 degrees. That’s a sad thing.

It’s simple math: The amount of water leaving the neighborhood holding tanks is greater than the amount going in. 

The result? Everyone runs out of water. 

The end game of no-water-for-all reminds me of how one broken pipe in a family impacts the whole family. Especially if the pipe is mom or dad.

God designed families interconnected and interdependent. Everyone feels when one hurts. Everyone celebrates when one wins.

You’re more likely to act on your brokenness when you’re under stress.

The pipe is more prone to burst when you’ve pretended all is well when it’s clearly not.

Not trying to lay a guilt trip on mom or dad. Just reminding you how important your well-being is. 

Like the airplane oxygen mask routine. Put yours on before you put one on your child. Otherwise, you both lose.

Parents, your Father God loves you dearly. He placed you in your role and promises to provide for you there. Cling to those promises. 

Remember again the multiplying miracle of feeding 5000 with five loaves and two fish. The wedding miracle of incredible wine from everyday water.

Trust your Father’s provision especially when it appears the tanks are all empty.

He still works in lives like yours. The Spirit He gave you at your Baptism hasn’t left for some sunny beach vacation. Jesus’ Spirit lives in you to guide and provide.

You are loved. Your family is loved. Rest in that divine truth.