
2-Minute Multiplier: Risk

On the lake we live near, a 30’ rock outcropping beckons swimmers to climb and jump. 

I have no desire to hit the water with my out-of-control body doing 10 miles faster than your local school zone. (That’s the speed the online calculator pegged me at.) Thus I have never climbed nor jumped. I watch the crazy people from my seat in the boat.

I enjoy risk. I’ve started a variety of ministries. Small to large. Slow-growing to fast. I’m ok with risking reputation and financial stability when the cause is worth it. I’m not ok with risking my body.

Life involves daily risk. Hop in a car. Get on a plane. Grab groceries or hit the gym in a COVID reality.

We wear masks or modify schedules. Click the seatbelt. Take the train instead of the plane. All to minimize loss. 

In the Parable of the Talents the landowner rewarded the servants who took some risk and put His money to work. He disowned the servant who in fear buried the gold. 

Two servants made a return on their Master’s money. One played it safe and didn’t lose anything. But he also didn’t multiply anything. 

He hid the resource rather than put it to use. He was cast out instead of entrusted with more.

Parables always reveal what’s happening when the Kingdom of Jesus is active among people. Some scholars agree this parable describes how those who live in Jesus’ Kingdom should be using their God-given gifts for good. I think that’s a fair interpretation.

I also wonder if Jesus is reminding us the most treasured gift He’s given us is His message of grace.  His unconditional love. His desire for everyone to receive eternal life paid for by His life.

It’s a risk to forgive those who hurt you. To unconditionally love those whose lifestyle offends you. To stick close to those have turned their back on you.

Yes – everything we have is a gift from our Father in heaven. But without His Son in the mix, everything we have makes only a short-term impact. Eternally speaking.

Risk forgiveness. Risk your reputation for the sake of relationship. Risk loving so that heaven is more full.

Multiply God’s grace. Don’t just keep it to yourself.