
2-Minute Multiplier: Shepherds

Joining shepherd on the couch in my mind are images of green hills and a guy dressed in English tweeds or American Carhart clothing. Maybe a little flute he plays to beckon the sheep home. Something like the movie Babe. Only the sheep don’t talk.

Not so in Bible times. Grungy. Smelly. Hair unkempt. Ruffians. Lower class. 

No Instagram filters making them look GQish. 

Their social station poured over into their religious station. Ceremonially unclean. Religious outcasts. Unwelcome in the traditional synagogue-going crowd.

They were part of the crowd watching the game but never invited to play. Quarantined in the stands. Not on the sidelines. Isolated from the spiritual action.

Wondering if God was for them or against them. His people certainly kept them in the cheap seats.

This was the crew God invited first to the Jesus birthday event. 

Not only invited first. But also first told to go and tell others.

The people historically labeled unworthy now entrusted with the message of the One who makes everyone worthy. 

God’s grace plays not by our rules. His grace turns worlds upside down. Especially your world.

Remember this whenever you feel like an outsider in God’s game.

Meditate on this when you wonder where you stand in regards to God’s love.

Grab ahold of this as you celebrate the Jesus birth with or without your earthly family. 

You belong to Jesus’ Family. 

He found you in your field. He invited you to go and see. He knows you know others who need to go and see, also.

What other shepherds could use some good news today?  Jesus is for them, too. Just like He’s for you.