
2-Minute Multiplier: Team

Our 2-day staff retreat just wrapped. 2/3 of us attended live in Texas. The others zoomed in from Arizona, Illinois and Ohio.

We prayed. Discussed. Argued. Decided. Ate. Drank. Applauded. Determined the next four months of ministry work. 

It was like the 48 hours gave birth to twin kids named Exhausting and Energizing.

Exhausting claimed the stage during wrestlings regarding priorities and debates around next steps. 

Energizing materialized as plans became concrete and stories led to laughter.

Both played well together thanks to a great team of people united around a passion for seeing Jesus’ Kingdom expand. 

A team filled with true love and respect for each other. A team truly relying on Jesus’ grace at every turn every moment.

When you’re unsure what tomorrow might bring…  When you’re unsure if your plans will work or not…  

It’s great to travel into the unknown with a group of people following Jesus and loving one another. 

“We loved you so much we were delighted to share with you not only the Gospel of God but our lives as well because you had become so dear to us.”   -1 Thessalonians 2.8