
2-Minute Multiplier: Teens

Inspiration pops its head around a variety of corners in my life. 

Last night it appeared in the form of a team of teachers and ministry friends from a private Christian high school in Austin, Texas.

The ministry I lead – FiveTwo Network – recently launched an on-demand training platform that trains both individuals and teams to launch successful ministries and non-profits. 

Our process also works great for strategically reshaping ministries as they move into new eras. Like this high school is doing.

I’m always inspired by the women and men we work with. Their courage and perseverance for the sake of Christ can’t help but fill my soul. Last night was unique in the focus of the stories: the teens these adults pour into.

High school is actually finishing school. So much cement already poured by the time one pokes their head into the 9th grade classroom. 

What’s needed is a great crew of finishers who know how to work concrete magic. How to solidify a relationship with Jesus. How to shape the soul so that Jesus shines through the flesh.

How to bring out the real but nuanced Jesus so that society can’t help but see Him shining through.

Teenagers can be difficult. The teen years are difficult. The internal change so necessary it results in conflict inside and out everyday.

Which can blind us to the great work Jesus is forming in these future leaders. Future parents. Future neighbors. 

Consider listening to a teen in your life today. Ask them the difficult questions. 

“Who is the person you follow most? Why?” 

“Why is Jesus important to you?” 

“What makes forgiveness and grace so powerful?”

And then listen. Listen to their words. Listen to the heart below the words.

Listen because you want to be inspired.