
2-Minute Multiplier: Underdog

I’m not sure Jordan Spieth rightfully deserves the underdog title. 

His past performance proves he belongs in golf’s elite. His past four years, however, causes one to wonder if he will ever reappear at the top of the leaderboard.

Last weekend I tossed a cape on him and rooted for his return. (I’m writing this on Friday after two rounds and Spieth’s in the lead. Who knows what will happen Saturday and Sunday.)

Underdogs typically hail from the good-guy school. Humble. Integrity. But no chance whatsoever to win.

You’ve probably felt underdog-ish once or twice. 

No way you’d win the meet. No way you’d win the girl. No way you’d win the interview process that would land you in the job of your dreams.

Yet somehow you did.

We who walk with Jesus feel at home in the underdog cape.

We realize we don’t deserve any of the blessings we have. We’re not super-humans who have it all together. We’re not wired any differently inside than anyone else.

We live for ourselves. We strive for ourselves. Humility and integrity aren’t inherently part of our nature.

Jesus changes all of that. His Spirit shapes us and molds us. The longer we’re in His family, the more we tend to look like Him.

Yet. The broken nature that technically disqualifies us from ever occupying any seat of honor in heaven never fully leaves. We’ll never get first place on our own.

Our name goes to the top of the leaderboard only because Jesus puts it there.

We win solely because He won. And takes us along.

I really hope Spieth hangs in there. I love seeing an underdog win. [Editor’s note: He didn’t win. :<(]