
2-Minute Multiplier: Uprooted

The neighborhood twin brothers pulled up all the bluebonnets in my backyard. Only one was blooming. The rest were simply gaining strength for the Spring.

I know I wrote previously how excited I was about the bluebonnets seeding in my Bermuda. How I was going to let them grow until Spring. How I didn’t mind if my typically mowed backyard had patches of bluebonnets interspersed.

I was changed my mind. 

The luscious bluebonnet plants now live on the burn pile. Possible snake encounters for grandkids playing in the backyard tipped the scale. Not to mention that my definition of backyard reverted to “simply grass”.

I’ve never been thrown on a burn pile. But I have felt uprooted by some Divine Hand. 

The field I thought was home – be it job or friendship or geography – shifted. Soaking in the sun and sprinkler turned into searching for new ground. My comfort converted to disappointment.

I felt discarded. Uncertain. Pulled out by the roots will do that to you.

Paul’s words to the Church in Colossae ring true: So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. (Colossians 2.6,7)

Living in this world is difficult. Our physical nature grabs hold of physical security. We forget we’re both/and: physical and spiritual.

When your spirit is rooted in Jesus, so is your body. Your entire well-being takes on a Jesus’ shape. His grace and provision sustains in the crazy seasons when someone in charge changes his mind.

Uprooting’s never easy. The nice thing is no one can uproot you from Jesus.

He’ll keep you until a new field happens along.