
2-Minute Multiplier: Wannabe

I bought a nice cowboy hat for myself a few years back. Straw. For summer dress. 

My family wasn’t sure what to make of it. It’s not like I ranch or ride horses. It only climbs off the shelf for rodeo and rare Country & Western themed outings. 

But to be Texan and not own a real cowboy hat? Inconceivable.

Stashed in a closet upstairs lives a giant orange foam version of the straw one. Humongous. Loud. Perfect for Vacation Bible School and other fun events.

When I wear the orange no one doubts my intentions. No dancing dates on that agenda.

Hats dress up the head and the body. They shout of flair or hobby or mantra. 

They speak of present reality and future aspirations. They perform a soul reveal akin to the magical mirror in Snow White.

What hats do you routinely put on and take off? How would you like others to see you? What would you love them to think of you? 

What trait would you love the mirror to laud upon you? Wisest? Funnest? Coolest? All-around incredible guy? All-around phenomenal girl?

We all carry a deep desire for legitimacy. For affirmation. For elevation.

No amount of self-affirmation works when you’re the one who knows what’s really under the hat.

Jesus knows you deeply. He’s intimately in tune with your constant misses and shortcomings. He’s well aware of what you’d like to be but aren’t. What you never will be by yourself.

When He’s your mirror those failures and fakery matter not. He does magic with mirrors turning aspirations into actuality. Dreams into high-def reality.

In Jesus you’re not a wannabe. You’re a truly be. For eternity.

I have two hats for golf. One touting the brand of my clubs. The other my golf ball. The duo make me feel more legit than I actually am. Oh well…