
2-Minute Multiplier: Wondering

I often get some form of the question, “What does it mean to be a Christian?”

Code for “Is there a hoop I need to jump through to become one?” or “ Once I’m in is there a line-by-line rulebook I need to follow.”

Sometimes an entry point question about “becoming.” Other times a “how do I live” question about “being.”

Most always an inquiry into what the questioner must do. (Not surprising since we humans always think its about us.)

I always ask “Why do you ask?” so that I know where guilt aims to get a foothold.

Their answer routinely involves “wondering” issues.

– Wondering if God really loves them. 
– Wondering if their current situation is “ok” in God’s eyes.
– Wondering what to do with the anger they’re feeling or the loss they’re experiencing.
– Wondering if God really exists since their life is so crappy.

All wondering issues are faith issues because they speak of a heart wanting to be accepted by some Other. They speak of a soul wanting to be on the right side of Right.

I counter with “So tell me about Jesus. Who is He in your opinion?”

I’m hoping to hear the use of my. As in “my God,” “my savior.” If the answer lacks the first-person possessive I go there point-blank: “But is He your God? Is He your Savior?”

If the answer is “Yes,” then the becoming question is a done deal. If the answer is “No,” then my favorite question is “What stops you from letting Him be?” That usually makes them noodle.

If the initial question is more about wanting to know how to live in the Jesus Family the answer is again about Jesus. “What does Jesus say about ____?”

Through it all the answer always gets connected back to what Jesus has done, is doing, will do. He’s the One who chose me. He’s the One who keeps me.

If I’ll listen, He’s the One who leads me to do what He desires.