
2-Minute Multiplier: Brutal

Brutal evokes images of bunnies being devoured by wolves or my grandma executing a hen with her hatchet.  I always thought there had to be a nicer, gentler way.

 Grandma thought I was crazy and uninformed as to the ways of a farm.  Headless hens resulting from swift sharp blows make for less pain and sooner supper.  “To the jugular!” 

Truth often feels axe-sharp and jugular intended. Joined at birth with brutal.

Which works for some: Granite heads require more sledge than feather. Hardened heads harden hearts creating ears that filter truth and eyes blind to the same.

 We think we’re nice when we’re really not. We think we’re generous when we’re really not. We think we’re God’s gift to the world when we’re the reason why God gives gifts to the world. God’s gracious yin to our ungracious yang.

Sadly, self-awareness often blocks truth at the door. Perhaps peeling back the protective covering and discussing the topic causes too much distress. Leave sleeping dogs and self fake news lie.

The Bible encourages truth served on a platter overflowing with love. Love helps truth sink into the heart and create change. 

But the Bible also speaks of broken spirits and contrite hearts. Repentance by any other name. A pre-condition for change to truly happen.

Love. Truth. Change. A divine trifecta.

Where are you broken and need Jesus’ unending love today? May you rest in it now. He loves you dearly and holds you close.

Where do you need breaking by brutal sharp-axe truth? May you receive it now. He loves you dearly and holds you close.

Brutal truth is your friend when it pushes you to a loving God.