
2-Minute Multiplier: Distance

The produce section of the grocery store Friday morning resembled a human version of a dirt track race: every masked cart driver for him or herself. 

My space was invaded picking through the bagged salads, reaching for the bananas, and numerous times while squeezing the avocados for that perfect ripeness.

People forgot the appropriate social distance. Or didn’t think it necessary.

Fear has made a norm out of what was not.  I wonder when hugs and handshakes will return to the everyday?

Many feel distant from God during this time. We are physical beings and when cut off from the physical presence of the church community, it is only natural for our faith to waiver. 

God’s Word – the Bible – exists to reveal Jesus to us and reassure us of His presence in our world. But rather than simply rely on reading and listening, Jesus knew we flesh and blood need more.

So He gave Baptism and the Supper. In them He places eternal promises of relationship and presence and embeds them into our calendars.

Our faith needs whole-body experiences where both man and God enter our space and bridge the gap between the here and the hereafter. We don’t fare well when there’s too much distance between us and the Divine.