
2-Minute Multiplier: Oil

Many of my family and friends live in oil. Not the Young Living or Essentials kind. I’m talking Black Gold. Texas Tea.

Black gold mutated into black lead yesterday. The May price sunk like a rock into negative territory.

My friends around the country love cheap oil because it means cheap gas. My Houston friends can’t pay for cheap gas when they’re out of work.

Your blessing is often someone’s curse. Your win, someone’s loss. Your hire, someone’s unemployment filing.

Your cheap groceries weren’t born that way.

I’m not proposing no joy or celebrating. I tend to the overjoyed side of the equation. If there’s a party within 5 miles I’ll find it. Or start one.

But perhaps a humble appreciation daily is in order. 

All of the tick marks in my Blessing category quite likely cost someone something. And that someone wasn’t me.

That’s how the world works. That’s even how Jesus works.